Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sand Castles

Listening to gentle waves lapping the beach, the cry of seagulls looking for food, and the sound of children building cities of sand is a perfect way to spend a summer's day.   Every summer we indulge ourselves with a trip to Lake Michigan, specifically Petoskey, a small, artsy town nestled around Little Traverse Bay.   This past summer, my girls laughingly shaped precarious sand castles just along the water's edge.  They carefully graced it with shells, feathers, sticks and a few treasured pieces of beach glass all of which was encircled with a moat, of course.  The finishing touch was sand drizzled wet and goopy-like over the top, the way Daddy had taught them years ago.   Careful, almost tedious work, playfully destroyed, stomped back into the sandy shore and washed back out into Lake Michigan.  If you are interested in images of the above, please click.  HERE.


  1. This painting is really delightful, and beautifully done! Takes me back to 1974 -- except the sand was redder in PEI.

  2. Charlene, Lake Michigan has lots of sandy beach, but I do love the red earth - it is so pretty and when we lived in San Antonio, TX, we had plenty of it. I always cringe when my girls pick up the dirty seagull feathers, but it does make the castles look fun.
